This web page provides an introduction to the Artificial Intelligence for Health (MPAI-AIH) project.  Also see the official MPAI-AIF homepage.

Artificial Intelligence for Health (MPAI-AIH) is an MPAI project addressing the secure collection, AI-based processing and secure access to health data.

This is the Reference Model of the MPAI-AIH project.

Keep up to date with the project

  1. Initial MPAI-AIH Architecture
  2. MPAI-AIH Progress report and plans
  3. MPAI-AIH Use-cases and functional requirements WD0.5

If you wish to participate in this work you have the following options

  1. Join MPAI
  2. Actively participate in the reference software implementation by sending an email to the MPAI Secretariat.
  3. Keep an eye on this page.

Return to the MPAI-AIH page.